Monday, October 4, 2010

Just a Quick Three Questions

I'm not sure if I'm more irritable, irrational or tired today but...

1. Has my husband, over time, become less able to do things, have I just started to expect more from him, or am I just more tired and don't have the patience for his regular self?

2. Is my son asking why so much today because he is attempting to reach some quota I'm not aware of, he really is just a curious little guy who wants to learn everything about the world around him within this 24 hour period, or am I just more tired and don't have the patience for his regular self?

3.  Is my daughter more clingy today because she is going through some type of delayed separation anxiety, she loves her Mama so much and wants to be especially close to her today, or am I just more tired and don't have the patience for her regular self?

Advise immediately, please.

Hint: I keep on attempting to capitalize letters with my space bar instead of the shift key.  I think that might mean something.  But maybe not...



  1. 1. Tired, no patience, PMS
    2. Tired, no patience, 3 year old
    3. Tired, no patience and she really really loves you.
